(Yeah, I still have not posted my story about the verrrry interesting spin instructor I had a few weeks ago, but frankly I lost steam as the days went on and I have a 90% completed post sitting in my drafts just waiting for me to take two minutes to finish. We'll see when that happens... one day...)
Every couple who has conceived a child through a fertility process where everything isn't completely in your own... ahem..."hands" has a fear, spoken or not, that the hospital/clinic/doctor will screw up and somehow the child that comes out of you will not exactly be, well, fully related.
Chris and I joked about this throughout our IUI experience, saying we'd love the child no matter what, but if he came out Chinese, Kaiser was going to be paying big time. We were joking, yes, but I think that there was that tiny silent twinge of "oh no, I don't want to be on Dateline" hiding in the background. At least for me.
Now, the moment JJ came out looking like a miniature clone of his father, all fears were quickly erased.
JJ's personality is so similar to Chris's that it's almost frightening. Brilliant, can't sit still, etc all seem to run in the paternal blood stream.
But today on the way home from work, as I asked JJ how he managed to get out of crib at Grandma and Grandpa's house after his nap, he nonchalantly answered "Climbing! JJ top it out!"
Oh boy.
Lord give me the strength to deal with these wonderful boys in my life.
That's awesome. :)