While I'm on this amazing roll of posting a blog once a month, I better squeeze in a July post before the month ends in a few days.
We have had an amazing summer vacation so far! After both teaching summer school for the month of June, Chris and I have really enjoyed having time off with no pressure or nasty homework that has plagued our lives for the past four and a half years.
Our biggest goal for this summer? Get back to Normal.
We weren't sure we would remember what Normal was like, or how to do it, but turns out it is like riding a bike. After a week or so of "what should we be doing again?" we quickly settled into our daily routine of waking up when JJ wants, eating, playing, eating, playing, eating, relaxing, and then going to bed. Throw in some climbing and running for Chris, some spinning/yoga/kickboxing classes for me, and lots of visits from out of town family, and that pretty much sums up our summer break.
We did squeeze in some outdoor adventures by getting J up to 14,000 ft when Chris's dad and brother were in town, and we hope to take him up another 14er or two before going back to school. He loved riding in the backpack and we were able to get some baseline data on our new pulse-ox meter to make sure he is handling the altitude well (kid will never let on when he's not feeling well, the smiles and giggles rarely stop).
What's up next for Moddlerhood? Well, lots of big changes for the Toddler as he transitions from baby to big boy which makes for some good stories. Luckily with the Olympics playing, I have plenty of desire to sit here on the couch every evening so hopefully I can get a few of the stories out into the blog-o-sphere soon. Might I actually be able to squeeze out TWO July posts? Ah the suspense...
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